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I think what people have to remember in this forum is that everyone is not of adult age here.

Some of us are in our 20's, some of us are in our 30's (or twenty-tens heehee!) some maybe older and some here are teenagers or even preteens. Go to GameFAQs & see the difference in discussion. There you have adults talking but some irrational children drown out the conversation. All children are not like this, no, but it's like what people say about the XBox Live service. Young kids, young boys rather being wild, rude and obnoxious just for the sake of it. They haven't learned to discuss things civilly without taking offense to every perceived slight and don't know how to express disagreement well.

Since children don't have the ability to go to the same discussion forums as adults do they find places like these to gather. And remember gaming is originally for children and the child-at-heart anyway.

We just have to be patient with our younger members, that's all. It also explains the lack of knowledge of history. They only knew what they grew up with. They have no reference point of our experiences.

That being said. The PS2 sells as it does right now because it is the greatest selling console of all time. It is a success and a feather in Sony's cap. The NES went on for YEARS after the SNES was introduced. One thing I DO like about Sony is how they don't cut short their system's life for the next generation. The winner of the last generation tends to keep their older system running concurrently to bring in more profits from the extremely late adopters. These are people who are getting a starter game system for someone in their family or someone who wanted to wait until the price got low and a certain selection to come out before buying one up. When people go to the store and have no knowledge of game systems they go to the one with the biggest display area and selection AKA the most popular.

"I heard my grandson wanted to play the vidj'agames.This looks like a nice one. Excuse me clerk what's this called?"

"Uh the Playstation 2 ma'am."

"Yes THAT'S the name I remember him saying. I knew it was 'play' something. Kept thinking Play-Doh but that's that silly putty stuff in the toy dept."

"Can I wrap that up for you ma'am?"

"Yes and I think my grand will like that bass fishing game. That looks like it will be fun. Cheap too"

"(boy that kid is gonna be pissed. but at least she got him a PS2) That'll be $160.48 ma'am" 

The PS2 might be the buffer that offsets the PS3's problems to a degree.

No, graphics don't matter as much as people like to make & NEVER has a gaming generation been won by the graphical powerhouse. NEVER. 1977's Atari 2600 Vs. 1980's Mattel Intellivision ~> Atari laid the smackdown on the monkey 'ahhse' with its simplistic pixels in comparison to Intellivision's 16-bit vivid display. It's the market and the game power that has always won the fight. Those who don't know the lesson will learn it shortly. Every human generation will learn the lessons of the older ones eventually.

This is how the PS2 became the dominator in the first place. Momentum and weak or late competition let them run away with the market therefore bringing in the game power.

Rule of Thumb: As long as there is money to be made, the path will be taken.

PS2 is still money. It's STILL making an impact on the Japanese charts in the midst of the WiiDS Phenomenon. The PS2 Phenomenon still has some legs left to go and Sony would be wise to run that marathoner 'til he drops at the finish line.

John Lucas 

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot