@Tbone & Jboy0990
Thanks. Overall the trophies were pretty easy. Even the Hard mode wasn't that hard it just took a lot more damage to put any enemy down.
The combat reflexes, and maxing out all stats is what makes Platinum take a little longer. The combat reflexes was the most annoying one because you will have to replay the same levels to target Machete guys, robots, and leviathans or shifters. the other 2 combat reflex categories should naturally be very close to level 3 because those enemy types are almost on every level.
One odd thing I noticed was that when you reach level 40 (max) you get 3 more skill points at the end, but their is nothing to spend these points on anymore. Level 39 is all you need.
I also encountered a couple of glitches in the game. An enemy that I was supposed to impale on a spike clipped through my hand and I went through the motions without impaling him. Then I tried attacking him and all of my attacks went right through him. It was like he was invincible or he didn't exist anymore.
And I also had gambit stop moving during a cut scene one time where he was supposed to run up these rafters. Instead he froze and stood absolutely still. I could do damage to him if I attacked. But I choose to let him live because I didn't want the game to glitch out even more. In retrospect I should have tried to defeat him and see what happened. I'm really curious now!