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At least not in my eyes.

If FFxIII versus or MGS4 (one year old port) goes to 360 so what?

If Mass Effect 2 comes to PS3 so what? We already know they're coming and are not a surprise. The only people who care are the rabbid fanboys who bitch and moan about everything because its not just on one console anymore and feel betrayed.

Surprises game announcements are megatons or real exclusives, revival of old franchise are megatons.

Not timed exclusives or announcements of ports of  a game that isnt released.

Zelda Wii/A FFXIII series Wii games.

Banjo Kazooie 3/Perfect Dark

MGS 5/Persona Zone of the Enders 3? Most are 1st party and already announced for PS3 >.<

Those are megatons.

A game for 360 going to PS3 is not.