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It was a nice read and seems like a winner though kind of odd in the symmary they mentioned "Unfortunately, though the game is very enjoyable to play, the menu load time, framerate, and level repetition issues can detract from the gameplay experience." seem like these could be big issues especially the level repetition for other reviews. This is what it currently has on gamer rankings.

Eurogamer 7/27/2007 5 out of 10 50.0%
Computer & Video Games UK 7/29/2007 8 out of 10 80.0%
PSM3 Magazine UK 11/1/2007 69 out of 100 69.0%
Play UK 11/1/2007 66 out of 100 66.0%

There is a demo so I suggest giving that a try and decide for yourself. Hopefully we get more reviews in to get a better overral picture at least for those that care about reviews. Nice find.