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What I want:
1. More PUPPIES! Everyone loves puppies!
2. More KITTENS! If someone doesn't love puppies, they love kittens!
3. More Cammie on a balance board, complete with stories of how she broke other parts of her body.
4. More smiles!
5. More Reggie! [Plug in synopsis of Reggie in your worst possible hardcore gamer fear]
6. An adaptor for the Wii Remote that makes you actually feel pain or pleasure throughout your ENTIRE body, based on the principles of accupressure. Not only can the Wii remote break your TV, it can now also cause people to get concussions from playing Wii boxing, or death from playing The Conduit II: Electric Boogallo of Doom.
7. Wii Sports Resort II: Extreme games. In this game (that will use the new Wii Remote adaptor) players get to battle death. They also get to throw puppies for frisbees to catch.
8. Wii Art. It is like Wii Music, but enables people with NO artistic talent to be able to think they are actually painting for real. To master it will take about as long as master painting in real life, and not really transfer over to anything else. It will follow the path Wii Music is following and sell MILLIONS of copies at schools, who think it will actually motivate kids to want to become artists.

In other words, more stuff that will complete freak out hardcore readers of VGChartz, having them cry WHY WHY WHY, as the Wii and DS prints money answers the question (but they don't want to see).