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highwaystar101 said:
Tyrannical said:
TruckOSaurus said:
Tyrannical said:

This modern tyranny you speak of has a name, it is called Liberalism. It's not just the UK, but all Western governments are in danger of it.

Extreme conservatives are no better than extreme liberals. They just want to impose different things.



Except for one minor point. It was conservatives that built the country, and it is the Liberals that have been busy trying to tear it apart since the 60's.

How's the weather up there on your pedestal my leige? would you like us lowly liberals to get you some tea your highness?


Seriously Tyranlical most of the non-liberals (like Maffoo, Halogamer (I know he's neo-con), etc...) on this site gain my respect because they don't make these kinds of elitest comments blindly.

Also, most people don't readily fear liberalism and fear that it is the single cause of all the worlds ills like this.


I'm sorry Tyranical, maybe I'm being a bit harsh with that statement. I do appologise, it was a bit heated.

The only problem with liberalism is when people try to support authortiative liberalism.

When you specifically change laws to enforce a liberal agenda... the end result is going to be a disaster.  Taking way freedom to make people equal is a bad idea.'

Instead liberalism should be focused on changing the culture of people and getting peoples ideas themselves to change... to make people more generous naturally rather then force people to give away larger then their fair share etc.

Modern Liberalism that through frustration resorts to force is no better then neo-consvervatism.