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Bokal said:
I have a feeling that what I'll say is not really relevant but...

I really don't understand the hype about that game. Graphically wise, it's maybe very beautiful for the wii, but it's far behind nowadays graphics standards, and for a shooter, it's sad.

And from the trailers, the gameplay doesn't look THAT fun, or THAT revolutionary. The immersion feeling is not that good either, compare it to a killzopne 2 trailer where you see and hear bullets flying around and explosions and such.
The conduit doesn't even come close.

I'm still following it, I might borrow my mother's wii to play it, but yet, I'm really not impressed.

PS : is it me or it looks like washington DC metro (same as fallout 3)?

Actually, some of what you said can be applied to Killzone 2, pretty much. A game doesn't need to be revolutionary to draw some hype.

As for graphical comparisons with other HD shooters? The Conduit looks worse, obviously, but that's fine. Hell I was hyped for MM9, which has "NES graphics." It's the Wiimote controls that make the difference. Personally, I find it to be more immersive than some extra pixels / anti aliasing / etc (though better art direction helps). There aren't too many games where I found the graphics really helped with the immersion (didn't feel it with say, KZ2, but GeoW was another story).

The Conduit may not be the first good attempt at a Wii FPS, but the others seem to be WW2 shooters, which I've been sick of for a long time now (thanks to playing tons of DoD).

Trailer looks good btw, I get more optimistic of the game the more I see it.