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Soriku said:
SmokedHostage said:
Soriku said:
In this case, I can.

Team Symphonia members never disappoint ^_^


 Tales of Symphonia was a mediorce RPG and you know it.

Also not all members of Team Symphonia are working on this.


Nope, it's an amazing RPG :D You just know nothing.

The director and scenario writer are from Team Symhponia :P There's also members from Chrono Trigger and Xenosaga plus Bahamut Lagoon and imageepoch.

All in all, a pretty good team.


I actually think it'd sell worse with the other boxart since it's more anime-y =/


 I hope you're right...

Also this NA boxart screams "Generic JRPG" to be honest.

Pixel Art can be fun.