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Ok guys.

As you all know, I am the first to recognise the gaming supremacy of the Xbox 360, as should you all.  However, that does not for a moment mean that the PS3 and Wii don't have much to offer gaming wise this year, next year, and in years passed.  But as much as I have a solid, widespread knowledge of games coming for all platforms, I know less of the Wii and PS3's line-ups than I do the Xbox 360's.

Everyone knows what they can and cannot spend on games, and here is essentially my budget.  It is my hope that I will be able to afford to purchase THREE Wii titles between now and the end of the year.

So what I would like from Nintendo fans now, is too help me pick those three titles.  I own Super Mario Galaxy, Zelda: Twilight Princess, SSBB, Mario Kart Wii and Wii Play.  You may work on the assumption that I am already aware of most of the games for the Wii that have come and gone, but can include them if you wish.

Given my situation (including my budget, location and games currently possessed), I want to know what three games you would buy based on the assumption that they must be out in PAL by the end of the year?

My general preference is for shooters with strong single player (or local co-op) experiences, RPG's (particularly Western, but I like some JRPG's) and old school Nintendo franchises.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS