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Ail said:
I'm starting to get overwhelmed like last gen and I'm at risk of not being able to play some games I am planning to purchase....

Right now I have LBP and KZ2 to finish.
And I have DWG2 and MLB09 The Show as rentals and I still want to play more NBA 09 The Inside.

And I want to purchase Sacred 2 next week and will get Disgaea if it gets trophies...

I feel like I've done a good job so far this gen as with Gamefly I've played almost all games that interest me. I'm starting to feel like I'm going to have a rough time in the next couple months keeping up though. May & June have a ton of great releases starting May 19th. But after June 30th it looks to slow down again until September/October and the holiday gaming feast. I should have plenty of time to catch up between now & then. Man, I think this year for the PS3 is going to be my favorite year for gaming yet and i believe next year will somehow manage to be ever better!

Anyone here excited about the rumored PS3 motion controls add-on at E3? As long as games keep the traditional controller method I'll be fine with having the motion option.