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loy310 said:
FKNetwork said:
Why are people even bothered by this when the game looks nothing more than another "meh, next please"


Because the PS3 exclusive games list just got a lot better and there are people out there that grow up with The Ghostbusters series and loved it. TGB is an established franchise, so this timed exclusive should be taken as a big deal. The generation that grew up on TGB cartoons and movies are today’s gamers and moviegoers. 


A timed exclusive isn't a console exclusive when it will be releasing on the others shortly after lol,

And I would understand if this game was a "heavy hitter" but it won't be, it won't sell systems and it'll only mainly sell to ghostbuster fans, if this is the timed exclusives sony are getting i'm VERY glad I no longer buy games for my PS3 lol.