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LordTheNightKnight said:
Your premise is that people would not buy the game based on quality, backed up by review scores.

Take a good look at how review scores affect actual sales. They don't.

And unless you can prove Super Mario Bros would have sold 40 million without being bundled, that argument against putting an asterisk there is faulty.

That's all I'm putting up here. If the OP can't see this, we either have a delusional poster or a troll.


      Review scores don't tend to affect how games sell unless you're talking about Wii games where games like No More Heroes with higher review scores sell less than 500,000 copies while games with lower review scores sell several million copies, but if you look at most other consoles they do.

     Going back several console gens, the higher reviewed games have generally sold the most amount of copies.  Super Mario Bros., Super Mario 3, Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, Final Fantasy VII, Gran Turismo, Gears of War, Halo, Grand Theft Auto and most of the best sellers of the past six gens follow this pattern.