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16 John Adams
16 Thomas Jefferson

15 Theodore D. Roosevelt
15 George Washington

12 James Madison

11 Grover Cleveland
11 Dwight D. Eisenhower

10 William H. Harrison
10 James Monroe
10 Martin V. Buren
10 John Tyler
10 James K. Polk
10 Franklin Pierce
10 Zachary Taylor
10 Abraham Lincoln
10 Millard Fillmore
10 Andrew Johnson
10 Chester Alan Arther
10 Grover Cleveland
10 Benjamin Harrison
10 William McKinley
10 William H. Taft
10 John F. Kennedy

9 Gerald R. Ford(-)
9 Lyndon B. Johnson
9 Harry S. Truman
9 Ulysses S. Grant
9 Rutherford B. Hayes
9 Warren G. Harding
9 Calvin Coolidge
9 Franklin D. Roosevelt

8 Woodrow Wilson
8 Bill J. Clinton
8 James A. Garfield (-)

7 George H. W. Bush
7 John Q. Adams
7 Ronald W. Reagan

6 Herbert Hoover
6 Andrew Jackson

5 Richard M. Nixon
5 Barack H. Obama (+)

1. George W. Bush
2. Jimmy E. Carter
3. James Buchanan