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O-D-C said:
replace Wii Sports just in name with... Party Babyz for the Wii...

if the Wii would have been bundled with Party Babyz and still met with the amazing success it got, it would mean that Party babyz is the best selling game of all time.

So sales do not equal quality

I repeat


a bad game can sell amazingly well, and become the BEST SELLING GAME OF ALL TIME even if its THE WORST GAME OF ALL TIME

now Im not saying Wii Sports is bad, I love that game, m just saying your argument is pointless because it implies that bad games cant sell and they do.

OK let's do that. If the Wii still managed to sell that much with that pack in then it would be either a true testament to that game or the Wii itself. We do know that Wii sports has sold phenominal in Japan. In the same class as DQ and FF games(only FF8 sold more in that series). Of ourse there is always pokemon.

A permanent pack in speaks to part of a marketing package. If the game was not effecting sales Nintendo would of taken it ouot of the pacakge and sold it as a seperate unit to make more money. Not pack it it in with every console in the US and Europe and lose potential sales(aka extra money a few hundred K is a few hundred K). No it is in there becasue Nintendo feels confident that as a pak in it boosts comopany sales.