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Some time ago, I blogged about playing a cancelled version of Halo DS. The game was the real deal, created by a real development studio and with a very big publisher. But for reasons we won't discuss, Halo DS was never released. Clearly. Obviously. Still, it would've been cool, huh?

My Halo DS blog has haunted me since I posted it because many people were skeptical of my claims. I wouldn't make something like that up, of course, but that hardly silenced any of my critics. When my brother called me the other day and told me that I even have a Wikipedia page that calls into question my Halo DS blog, I realized I had to at the very least prove that I hadn't completely hatched the entire thing. So I figured what better way to mute naysayers than to show off the game I played. With that in mind, I present to you Halo DS videos and screenshots below. Please, somebody update my Wikipedia page.

Let's be clear. This game will never see the light of day. At the same time, the below videos prove that Halo DS wasn't a garage project by a two-man team. There were some very big names involved with this title, so it's a shame you won't get to play it.