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November 2004 was the highest Nov. for the Xbox, the highest (or near highest) November EVER for a non-launch month for a console in history,


Uh, no. The numbers aren't up right now, but XBox generally sold somewhat over 500K for Nov, and somewhat over 1m for Dec. With Halo 2, that November jumped up to 750-800K or so, and the Dec number didn't jump very much.

Sony had miscalculated and underdelivered units that Xmas too, btw. But at their peak, they did 3mil consoles in Dec, which I'm pretty sure means over 800K in November. I think just last year, DS and PS2 were both in that range.

Basically, it was a shockingly small jump given the amount of software sold.

Of course, with no Halo game out for the 360 yet, and with GTA4 in the same time period, it should be a MUCH bigger jump this year. Will it create enough momentum to put 360 in the mainstream and keep it there, though?

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.