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DoesWhatNintenDont said:
I think the Wiimote might be more refined...but I don't see another bomb dropping like this for a long time. Perhaps more add ons or extensions of it's use but nothing more.

At least I don't see anything hitting for next generation like the Wiimote -although I would welcome it- : Especially considering how Nintendo’s competition has been sticks in the mud when it comes to innovation in the industry.

The brilliance of the Wiimote is taking something generations have been comfortable using, a remote control for TV, and using it to play games...on TV! ( I find it humorous, but understandable, when old folks talk about "Playing games on the TV." )

I suppose it would be equal, in thinking, to playing personal interactive games on the radio, of which the Wiimote is the equivalent to having a radio antenna becoming the controller. It’s a new perspective on the entire industry. I think the next step will have to be another design/ concept that is readily accepted in society and easily used for an even closer depiction of interactive ( read VR ) gaming.

Also in regards to Kwaad's thoughts on the Wiimote, personally I think it's great and haven't had any problems. With prior systems, I have actually received blisters from getting use to the controllers use while playing games. I especially remember having a scar on my palm for about a month from the analog stick on the N64 controller due to playing Mario Party.

I'm still impressed with the fact that when you invert the controller it essentially turns into a NES controller. -Ingenious-

Now where is my NES glove darnit?!

 That last scentance is my point.

A controller is meant for 1 thing. not 2. not 3. The Wiimote is for at least 2.
My theory would be nunchuck, sized more like a Wiimote, with the sensor still attached to the top. Just held more like the nunchuck. I think the 1 analog stick, should function as a button, and then beside that have the d-pad, and below it 1 button, with 2 buttons on the back. Both sides should be near identical. (both with sensors)
(the DualFX controller)

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!