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z64dan said:
"As sony/microsoft are able to make improvements in its games, its online content, manufacturing and other price reductions"
Thats the depressing thing about consoles for the past 10 years. Always waiting for the next improvement. PS2 games are selling better than PS3 games, currently. But PS2 games don't look as good as PS3 games, so how could that be? How can anyone enjoy graphics that we were supposed to enjoy last year?
Doesn't anyone remember how "cool" the original XBOX was? How "awesome" HALO's graphics were? Well now the Wii is more powerful than the XBOX and PS2, with additional controller functionality, and only $250, yet somehow the games can't possibly be fun. Because the graphics are from last year. That didn't make any sense to Nintendo.
And now, they're basically hiring guys with tractors and dumptrucks to help them organize their huge piles of cash. And every time sony sells a PS3, they are still in debt from the manufacturing and marketing of it.

That post said what I've been saying many times, only you did it better than I. Consoles are always talking about how they can build on them without making a new one, but nothing ever happens. N64s expansion pac was probably the biggest and only sinificant one (and actually a decent improvement too).  But I love your point about how can graphics that arent the best be fun? If games were about graphics, there would not be video games today. If games were mainly about graphics, the NES and SNES and atari and Sega and all of those would have flopped so serverly video games would have been the biggest joke of the 80's. But people loved the NES and SNES. They both did great, why? Because people like having fun more than being awed by "amazing" graphics. Nintendo is moving to the futre WHILE NOT leaving its roots behind. thats why the wii is dominating and so is the DS.

A delayed game is good someday, a bad game is bad forever.