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I don't think Nintendo will have to actually pay doctors to analyze the data. I think if the trend hits big enough, at least in the USA, plenty of universities would love to study the incoming data from the consoles.

I also agree with the others when saying this won’t break any medial liability laws. Most likely the customer will have to sign, perhaps using Wii’s new browser, and online contract and waiver that keeps Nintendo or the Dr.’s / Universities responsible for any possible diagnosis from the persons own doctor.

In fact that is all I see possibly being said by the people who will analyze this data: “Go get a check up at the doctors.”

Plus Nintendo will dress this up as entertainment and not a major medical use. Ofcourse keeping their rear safe in the meantime.  

I don't think there will be much more than a heart rate monitor used in this game. After typing in your weight and height, analyzing your heart rate can tell a lot about ones general fitness levels.

The game might then just apply certain exercises/games to your daily routines in order to help achieve your desired fitness goals. More or less a fitness trainer program that is able to track real time data. It reminds me of the very general, yet useful, system used at

Also I think depending on how popular this is, there are many peripherals we have seen in the past that could easily be adapted to this type of game-- The old Olympic NES game / DDR floor mat for example.

"There are three types of lies : Lies, damned lies, and statistics." - Benjamin Disraeli ( Made famous by Mark Twain )

PSN ID: DeviantPathways

Wii Number: 0081 3044 1559 2355