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Yeah, I don't really see any issues regarding liability. Its one thing if the system starts saying "YOU HAVE CANCER AND WILL DIE IN A WEEK" - when you definitely don't - that would cause legal problems ;)

But the Wii would be "soft" in terms of wording .. things like "You health is poor", or "You may want to consider more exercise and a better diet", etc.


As for the Japanese toilets - that sort of thing may be part of the reason the Japanese are one of the healthiest nations in the world. I was talking to a friend here, and she let me know that Australia has now overtaken the US in terms of "per-capita fatness" (using body/mass ratios and other tests) and is now effectively one of the least healthy (non-3rd world) countries in the world.

I agree with Kwaad, in that it will depend heavily on how "good' the system is. Blood pressure tests? Heart rate? Body temperature? Do you manually enter your height, weight, etc?

I can see something like a pulse/heart rate monitor working? - in conjunction with some basic exercises (so it measures your effective fitness by how well your body adapts to exercise, etc).


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