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Here is an interesting chart I stole from a neogafer which compares softwares sales to user base. The Wii clearly has the best attach rate. 

YTD Famitsu Software | LTD M-C Hardware | YTD S/H Ratio
1. NDS - 19,145,000 | 19,000,396 | 1.01
2. WII - 5,363,000 | 3,424,139 | 1.57
3. PSP - 3,056,000 | 5,853,510 | 0.52
4. PS3 - 934.000 | 1,085,019 | 0.86
5. PS2 - 5,212,000 | 20,671,514 | 0.25
6. 360 - 205.000 | 402,381 | 0.51