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Kaio_felipe said:
Hus said:
Kaio_felipe said:

If graphics reallly matter, practically ALL the hardware wars would be different, my friend:

- Master System would have won NES;

- ALL the rivals of Game Boy would have won it;

- Nintendo 64 would have defeated PS;

- DreamCast would have been a success;

- PS2 would have been defeated by GC and, specially, Xbox.

- PSP would destroy DS in the sales.

N64 was a cartride joke, anti 3rd party.... PS was not.

Sega failed the Dreamcast, could never compete with Sonys bank.

Untill the PSP, most of the handhelds competeing with Gb were a joke.

PS2 graphics were equal if not better, nothing gc or xbox has looks better then GOW2


1. GOW2 was released 6 years after PS2 launch. With 3 years of life, GC already had RE4, which have the most marvelous graphics of Cube. Xbox, then, made it with less than 2 years, with, for example, DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball. In other words, PS2 took a long time to show visuals so good as its enemies' ones.

2. If handhelds before PSP were a joke, you just said that graphics weren't enough to win GB.

3. About N64 x PS, you have agreed with me and most of people that graphics didn't decided that war. =D

4. DC was another proof that being powerful isn't enough to reverse a uncomfortable situation.

5. Until today, the ONLY console that won a 'less powerful in graphics' rival was SNES, but graphics didn't decided that war - the mistakes of Sega and the variety of SNES's titles, yes.

  MGS released in 2001 held its own vs anything.. FF10 was the best looking rpg for a long time...  and every racing game was compared to Gran Turismo.  PS2 was never out done in thr graphics department.

N64 vs Ps was decided before the console launch,  nothing could save that sinking ship.  

DC was good but sega could not support it the way it needed, they lacked a $ to market it.