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your mother said:
endimion said:
hum since when you can compare a simulation GT5 and arcade game PGR4.... you'll have to explain me ???
and pushing further since when the most important part in a simulation is the graphics ??? I'd rather have a better control, physics, AI, etc. in a sim than graphics....

see flight simulator for planes, which wasn't really kicking ass for years on graphics but was certainly the best in simulation....

now you want a real good simulation ??? GTR 2 on PC kicks the butt of Forza 1-2 all the GT and basically any other car sim ever made.... hopefully we'll see a number 3

The reason the GTR series is so deliciously good as a racing sim is not because of the graphics or sound effects (although it has more than enough of that) - it's their impeccable tire modeling.

If you watch Formula 1, you know that the FIA decided to have just one tire supplier for the championships because after all's been said and done, you can have by far the best car in the field but without the right rubber that car will never live up to its full potential - and can be soundly thrashed by an inferior car but with superior grip thanks to a better tire.

If you are after real simulation, graphics are really - and I mean really secondary. It's all about the accuracy of the physics and in the crucial tire modeling department no game has yet managed to surpass the GTR series.

 hum I never said GTR was better graphical, I said GTR is the best simulation serie for what sim serie is suposed to be good in first place... and I stated that for a sim the most important is not graphics.... so we totally agree....


now for the FIA... it's also because michelin choose to leave the competition anyway..... before that new rule was made.... but I don't really follow F1 now that i'm in USA... I don't have any chanel showing it :( same for WRC :(