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Come on, this isn't a serious question is it? Look at following figures:

Forza 2 opening week: 350.000 copies
Forza 2 reaching 1 million: 18 weeks
Forza 2 total sales: 3.98 million copies*

GT4 opening week: 2.500.000 copies
GT4 reaching 1 million: probably 1st day
GT4 total sales: 9.65 million copies

GT5P opening week: 640.000 copies
GT5P reaching 1 million: 2 weeks
GT5P total sales: 3.01 million copies*

*It should be noted that Forza 2 became bundled with almost every Xbox 360 in a christmas period just after it reached 1 million sales. Within that christmas period the sales jumped from 1 million to more than 3 million because of the  forced bundles. Without the forced bundles Forza 2 probably would end up around 1.6 - 2.0 million copies sold. The same goes for GT5P, it became bundled with almost every PS3 in a christmas period in Japan. Before the bundle was released the sales got stuck around 270.000 copies, while total sales are currently at 670.000 Japan that is.

I think it's clear that GT is still GT and that fans are eagerly waiting to finally get a full new GT. If GT5 can do GT4 numbers...maybe, but it probably will come close. As for Forza 3, i don't think it will do even half the numbers of GT5, maybe not even a third...forced bundles excluded.