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Which do you think will sell better and why? It might seem obvious but things have changed since GT prologue and Forza 2 released in that the 360 has been beating PS3 in total sales. There is a much larger install base to buy Forza 2 than GT5 however market saturation comes into play.

GT5 is going to release December 09 or March 2010 (long story short an insider who has not been wrong yet posted a riddle) and Forza 3 is going to be an 09 release according to that leaked video. The Forza franchise has become stronger but the same cannot be said about GT because the last damn flagship game released 4 years ago.

What Forza 3 has going for it:

- Releasing on a larger install base

- Releases near huge 360 titles so should help increase sales


What GT5 has going for it:

- It's a GT game


My guess is that GT5 will do in a year what Forza 3 will do in a lifetime in terms of sales.