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I actually sort of like the idea of making a console span longer. If Sony has the PS3 out for 10 years or 2 classic generations of time(apx). It will have some excellent games since devs will have had 10 active focused years.

In the end though Sony and the PS3 are trying the perfect forumula of old console design. It however will be and is being disrupted by a new model. The PS3 will not be the dominant console for the generation. It will be the Wii Family. That's right I used the word Family. Nintendo has out right stated they are moving to a new business formula. The Wii is the console DS. What formula are we seeing with the DS? DS Phat, rudimentary, but it got out their and penetrated the market. DS Lite streamlined and what should have been released. DSi the distant market, but also upgrades the features. It's not a new system, but it enhances it.

The Wii family will maintain market dominance because their will be enhanced Wii. So as the new features extend to the distant market and sell to some of the current market the Wii and Wii Enhanced will be clearly the dominant machine. I both like and dislike this model. It will be nice that all games are compatible and developers won't be abandoning ship once Wii+ comes out. But for us a bit more techi it's going to cost us more since we will be buying more Wiis. Then again how many PS core fans bought PS2? I now some who have bought as many as 4. Though most I know bought 2. So it's not unreasonable that Wii owners like PS2 owners will be buying the system more than once.

This is probably a safer and more cost efficient model of development. It allows an ease of technology and development rather than gambling on features.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.