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This is just an opinion I have been forming over the last few months.  I played Halo 3 last night for the first time.  Graphics were nice, but not as good as Bioshock.  Story revolves around the same cast of characters, yada yada yada.  My friend beat his in less than 8 hours.  He has no cable modem yet so he is suckin hind tit for now.  Anyway.  The whole time I am playing this game I am wondering how much better of an experience I would have with a motion sensing setup like the Wii.  Halo 3 with the Wii's controls.  I say it would be alot better.  I say that Microsoft and Sony know it too and will be working on integrating some kind of pointer or mouselike control scheme into their next gen consoles.  How does that sit with the 360 and Sony fanboys?  Is that something you are hoping for, or are dreading?