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Ben 10: Protector of Earth rejoins the ranks of platinum status on Wii to be number 51. My Fitness Coach should become number 52 next week.

Wii will continue to have a supply of games that have releases over the last 1-2 years go platinum over the next 6 months. However, it still has yet to have a game release this year to show any signs of going platinum. Sonic and the Black Knight is showing signs that it will accomplish it but nothing concrete. Mario Power Tennis remake released in Japan last year but still majority this year and that is the only sure shot one.

Now a lot of this has to do with not as many large release titles coming out but you would still think some would have managed to show signs. Obviously falling in line with Wii's slow start of releases. This, however, should change very rapidly as over the next 3 months Wii will see Punch Out, EA Active, Boom Blox Party Bash, Tiger Woods 10, Grand Slam Tennis, Virtua Tennis 2009, Wii Sports Resort, X-Men Origins, Indiana Jones, GH: Smash Hits, Ghostbusters, RE: Archives, The Conduit, Transformers 2 game, and Harry Potter game. All of which should do quite well on the Wii and break it from its slump. Not to mention a large variety of them starting off well and going platinum within the year.

So while Wii may have gone through the first 4 months with only a few big brand releases, this will definitely change for the console in America and Europe over the next 3 months which will add more to that supply of platinum capable games.