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I can't see both the Wii and 360 falling flat on their face and the ps3 surpassing them in sales in 09. 3rd party support is the life and blood of future console sales. First party can bring on a rush of sales for a while but the longevity of a console goes on it's 3rd party support. With more 3rd party support the broader the library of games the console can have.

I really do hate when people say that the Wii is just a "Fad". If you look back about 25 years or so ago gaming in general was considered a "Fad". The Wii have branched off and created a new road in the gaming industry and it will not die down anytime soon.

"Everyone else see's the Joker laugh; only Harley has ever seen him cry."- Arleen Sorkin


In an hour of Darkness a blind man is
the best guide. In an age of Insanity
look to the madman to show the way.
- - Warhammer 40,000 rule book