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Sony fanboys will say MGS4.

MS fanboys will say Halo 3.

Neutral observers will say whilst both are awesome games, neither will be considered the most influential/greatest game of all time, let alone this generation (I stand by that comment about this generation, we haven't seen anything yet). I would even go as far as to say that neither are the best of their series.

By the way, there is a massive difference between influence and greatness, the truly great games have both. It can be argued that MGS4 has "a lot" of greatness but not much influence (we won't see every other game have 30 min long cutscenes or CQC-like system), where as Halo 3 might have a lot of influence (the way multiplayer is played for FPS) but may not be as great as MGS4 outright.

This is why games like SM64 and OoT trump them both.

I'm going to go with the neutrals.