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Yulegoat said:

I think it'll be more like two Wiimotes (pointers in both conrollers). I've got lots of ideas on what to add to the next "Wiimote", but it's very hard to balance the versatility and simplicity. As someone already said, hopefully it's very accurate and translates the movements 1:1.

OMG, how cool would that be? i think they may do that as well and that would be cool with to pointers. so far in any game with duel weapons, they both aim at the same spot. but with 2 pointers you could easily make it so one controlled one and one controlled the other (kinda like reallife) that would be so cool to go into an open room supporting dual weapons and being able to aim them both individually. that would be elit sauce.

A delayed game is good someday, a bad game is bad forever.