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1) So by the end of 2009 we'll have bad chinese BluRay players for $100. That's not expensive but nowhere near the $45 DVD players in 2005 and the $30 DVD players in 2006.

2) And an HDD or solid state storage for at least 1 GB. And network connectivity. And a secondary audio decoder and a secondary video decoder. And enough CPU to manage those 4 streams in parallel. Plus do you grasp how much more complicated (and bug prone) is a full Java VM vs the DVD script interpreter?
I'm not saying that they won't come down in price, only that they won't be as dirt cheap as a DVD player for a while, and that a console will naturally excel at being such a device.

"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman