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staticneuron said:

I cannot speak for every area but I assure you after the PS3 was launch down here in south florida the 60 gigs dissapeared and the 20 gigs were always the last to go. This trend went on for pretty much 3 months and then after that the 20 gigs dissapeared all together.

I have only met one person in my travels down here that said they wanted a 20 gig. On the internet the only people I see attacking sony over this 20 gig issues, seem to be people who would not have purchased one anyways. I am sorry... there is a difference between actions and talks. and if the 20 gigs moved slower than the 60 gigs why on earth should any retailer waste storage space (which comes out of their pockets) on th 20 gig system?

It might also be because the vast majority of console owners aren't people that spend time on the internet, spamming on console war subjet.

Casual gamers are just peoples that wait for the console they want to reach the price point they can affort. And by this choice, Sony may have to wait longer before it can cut the price to this selling point. Going from 500 to 300 (or even lower) is hard, from 600 to 300 harder.

But maybe Sony realise they won't hit casual gamers as much as the PS2 (and now the Wii) did, so like MS, they're trying to get as much as they can from the hardcore market.