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Spankey said:
ManusJustus said:
Spankey said:

meh. if these guys REALLY wanted a peaceful solution, they would have found one after all these centuries.
obviously, some of them just want to keep fighting.

Centuries?  The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a new issue and wasnt started until after World War II.  Before World War II, Muslims and Jews got along peacefully.  In fact many Jews fled to the Middle East to avoid European persecution and the Ottoman Empire gave European Jews land in Palestine when they still had control of the region.  Thats not to mention the Palestinian Jews who had already been living there.

In World War I, the British offered the Palestinians their own state if they helped them fight the Ottomans (which they did), but the British also supported the creation of a state of Israel to garner support from German Jews.  They initially screwed them both over, however, and kept Palestine for themselves after the war.

After World War II, many European Jews lost everything and wanted to start anew somewhere else, so there was a mass immigration to Palestine.  Europeans felt horrible about the Holocaust and offered the Jews their own state in Palestine, but the Palestinians living there weren't happy about losing their land and neigboring Muslim countries weren't happy about a holy area (and traditional Muslim area) being given to someone else.

so the Crusades were cream? or what?

What are you talking about?

From your initial statement I assumed you meant that Muslims and Jews have been fighting for centuries.  If that was a wrong assumption please correct me.