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When I saw the game last friday, I remembered, that a guy from the internet (with no name) hyped the game and I thought I may try it. When I put the disc in my wii and started the game I heard the "Bolero" and I fell instantly in love with the game.
I have already beaten the first king and I am exploring a little bit right now.
There were a few points which annoyed me with the game, but the most awesome thing is, that the game "repaired" those annoyances itself. For instance in the beginning I always read that Harald and Cynthia fell in love. But there was no easy method to select those two. A little bit later in the game I got offered to upgrade my podium and the problem was solved.
Than I had a problem, that my followers had problems with brigdes and obstacles and where left behind. A little bit later in the game I was able to buy a new formation and the problem was solved again.
Now the only thing I miss is the wakeup-music. In the beginning there was a classical themed wake-up music. But I don't hear this anymore ... but who knows, maybe I just have to wait a little bit and the game will "repair" this also.

Additional Note: The german localisation is extremely well done.