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Why would anybody think that Microsoft is such a huge fan of Sega's work. Microsoft is not a fan of anybody's work but their own. Sure they copied some of their ideas, but that's what they do. They saw it as an opportunity. If anything, Microsoft's business strategy is completely the opposite of Sega.

74They buy other console's exclusives, rather than making their own. They focus on hardware and online, rather than software. They have brought console gaming closer to pc gaming, rather than identifying and trying to preserve the factors that made console gaming unique to begin with. They have no mascot to identify themselves with (though according to Stage Halo counts, but I guess that means that Mac can identify themselves with Halo as well, and pc as well), whereas Sega essentially defined themselves through Sonic. They also don't have a wide diversity in their games while Sega throughout the years has pretty much covered every genre even eventing a few on their own.

How do you breathe again?