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AC engine was awesome, the hurdles to progress the story were lame. Think of it like GTA. GTA has the same quests over and over game, but they are presented in a balanced way that you never thourghly get bored with it. The quest hurdles in AC were cookie cutter.

Climb a tower and open 3 quests
pick pocket, assassinate, collect flags

Climb tower and open 3 quests
pick pocket, assassinate, deliver message

climb tower and open 3 quests
pick pocket, assassinate, spy on some one

climb tower and open 3 quests
pick pocket, assassinate, escort

climb tower and open 3 quests
pick pocket, assassinate, interrogate

this was pretty much it. Once you clear the section of town you assassinate the objective character. Then move on to new town and new section of town then repeat.

While GTA has a similiar number of quest types they are broken up by different areas, different quest givers the people have names.... this breaks the monotony.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.