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The xbox has: fable2, halo3, masseffect, lost oddersey, blue dragon, forza, pgr4,doa4, ninja gaiden2, lost planet, bioshock, halowars, c&c, banjo kazooie, kameo, pd0, gta the full game, tomb raiders the full games, gears of war, left for dead.

Some of them games r day 1 release however rating wise they have whooped games on the ps3 for rateings! Most of these games can be picked up for so cheap now its worth gettin an xbox 1st! So many good games ay bargin prices!!

The ps3 has a strong new line up this year but what about next year? The ps3 has been so gappy so far who knows how long ur have to wait for the next killzone or uncharted!

As for mgs they always come out on other console personly i find them as boring as hell but lets see!

The ps3 in reality hasnt got anything the xbox hasnt got softwear wise! Plus the xbox versions are usualy bigger sellers and higher rated!

Grand t4 - forza2, pgr4
Heavinly rain - alan wake
Killzone - halo3 gears of war
Mgs -
- fable2
Little big planet - banjo kazooie
- viva pinata
Singstar - lips
Ff13. - lost odersey, ff13

Its all of a muchness! But ur notice there are at least 2 to 1 above!