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18 Onna76

16 Bodhesatva
16 naznatips
16 BenKenobi88

15 Dolla Dolla
15 lolita

14 john lucas
14 TheSource

13 DonWii

12 omgwtfbbq
12 stof

11 rocketpig
11 superchunk
11 your mother

10 VonShigsy (---)
10 weezy (-)
10 Nairu (-) YOU FORGOT ME!!! HOW COULD YOU!? *sobs*

9 RolStoppable
9 super_etecoon

8 nintendo_fanboy
8 mancandy

7 Erik Aston

6 OriGin
6 Final-Fan (+++)
6 Dodece
6 fazz

4 DarkNight_DS (-)
4 witeoutking (-)

Games i'm currently playing: