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Naum said:

Damn this game must be long, have just defeated my first King, took me about 5-6 hours to do it

right now I have 17 people that I can have following me, it's starting to get a bit hard getting them all to follow me over small bridges and stairs, but I have bought a new formation making them follow me in a single line, hope that will help.


Impressions?? well it's not a easy game I tell you that, you just can't "zerg" bosses or these special monster "UMA's".



thats good. at least it means i'll be playing the game for a long time lol.

come try out the computer game i've been working on for my high school senior project, titled sling ball.

you can view a few screenshots from the game in my photo album here;

yes, this is vonboy's alt account. i can't log into my original account, and i'm not sure if i will ever be able to.

Proud Member of the Official Yoshi Fan Club!.