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Um, cars usually cost about 50-90% of what a person makes in a year; there are hundreds of different choices and they appeal to very narrow groups of people because (unless they are the top sellers) they have to make more money off of each car.

A console is a platform for other licensed products that make up the bulk of the revenue (car parts do not, because they are produced by third parties with no licensing fees). Without approved content there is no purpose to a game console.

It's more like Schick v. Gillette. People seem to get attached to one brand or the other and swear by it. A lot like consoles, both do the same thing and when a person who is attached to one product has to use the other they bitch and bitch and bitch.

More people like the Mach 3 so I would assume that puts it in line with the Wii. The Schick is next so I would say that is like the 360.

The PS3 is like laser hair removal, it doesn't really live up to the hype and it's way too much money.

(I own a Wii and a PS3)

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.