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Looking at the MS EADs result with 31 million loss i think Sony is in deep trouble too..

Many ppl r going to say that MS reduced the price of XBOX but i think its effect should have been more visible in the Quarter ending December 31, 08, cuz MS reduced the price in August, September and that Quarter (ending Dec 31, 08) was the first full quarter with reduced price XBOX 360. So the loss in this quarter ending March 31, 09 is totally unexpected in my view. Furthermore after a quarter, MS should have further reduced the cost of XBOX 360 hardware, so the price drop of 5 - 7 months ago should not have effected much now. 

But important thing is that, although 31 million loss is pretty negligible for MS but it shows a very bad sign for Sony SCE division. and the losses can be much worse. Yen has gone up a little but i don't think it is going to be much help either. Plus the software is still pretty weak for PS3 with sales of software in NA not picking up at all even with Killzone 2. 

So wot are your expectation of Sony PS3 division in light of MS EADs results? have you revised up or down ur Sony PS3 financial performance and why?