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Context being Japan, MHG is a 4 year old port. >.>

You being a MH Fan Know that MH Freedom IS MHG but on the PSP. Next this is the first day sales not the first week, unless there are no more supplies or no one else is interested in Monster Hunter G then the rest of the days at the least should moot the debut week of MH G on the PS2.

As Source said the install base is 8 to 18 million.

My Final note is when did people think G would sell bazillions, those only thing I could see was a few people claiming the Wii would bounce back with it's release. If your so willing to feed crow you should wait for the hardware numbers.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D