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shams said:

Its a bad move, and almost certainly triggered because they were making a bigger loss on the cheaper model.

MS give consumers more choice, and Sony give consumers less. Nice work!!

I also heard that they were *forcing* retailers to primarily stock the more expensive version (again, due to profit reasons). And retailers also made a larger "cut" on the $600 model, giving them a greater incentive to stock and sell those.


If I was going to buy a PS3, it would be to play games - nothing else. I would go for the cheapest model I could find that would play those games. Lucky for me there aren't any PS3 titles I want to play...




"will no longer produce the 20 GB PlayStation 3 because the 60 GB model is outselling it at a 10-to-1 ratio" ...

get it now ....... the CONSUMER made the choice, and overwhelmingly chose the MORE expensive model. 

MS bitch slaped its early adopters by releseing a new upgraded 360 with hdmi and a big ass hard drive.