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shams said:

Probably just an improved version of the current Wiimote. More accurate, more sensitive - easier to map 1-1 motion to it.

How about a small "touchpad" in the place of the A button? So you could do mouse rolls, or flicks with your finger? Or an "iPhone" styled Wiimote? No physical buttons (maybe an under trigger), just pressure sensitive.

Better speaker, maybe more memory. 

Whatever happens, it will almost certainly support the current Wiimote (most games would anyway). 


Or even better... the next DS becomes a Wiimote, with holographic projection from it. Play games on your Wiimote, or use it to control the Wii.

How about a portable Wii as the next DS? 

im thinking NO on the touch pad. thats not a good idea. there is no texture to buttons on a touch screen. plus thats the DS's thing.  I dont know how the speaker can be improved, but adding a microphone could be a great idea. I thing every game needs to start doing what zelda TP does. They need to have you set up everything so its more responsive to the Wiimote.

A delayed game is good someday, a bad game is bad forever.