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@rpruett - Fair point, agreed. One thing though - You do realize that the chart on page 3 could simply be due to the type of game being played, no? Its no secret that there's a lot of casual games on the Wii. How long does a match of Carnival Games or Wii Bowling or Mario Kart take? How long does a session of Halo 3 or COD4 take? The data on page 3 is missing an important bit of info regarding that. Tracking the amount of individual games sessioned in that time period might conclude that data better.

In other words, you can play one session of COD4 for 2-4 hours easily without realizing it, but if you played an hour of Wii Fit, you'd be exhausted. If Neilsen is pitching the 6-11 as the main polling audience they got their bulk data from, I doubt they're playing long gaming sessions, as its a common point in parenting kids - regulation of game time.