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llewdebkram said:
Rpruett said:
bardicverse said:
Rpruett said:
bardicverse said:
@rpruett - again, the data on that chart was inaccurate. Neilsen corrected this.


Go to your link.  Down to where it reads... "

"Nielsen corrected and reposted its report on its blog."


Then follow the link to his "corrected" and "reposted" blog.  That's where the numbers are from. 



And even if the numbers from the blog are still incorrect?  The real numbers that show whether or not the "Wii owns the closet".....would be the 'Active User %'.  Which clearly the Wii is down.

Check page 6, thats the chart for console usage. This conflicts with the chart you posted from page 3. Page 6 is claiming that the Wii usage is higher than both the PS3 and the XB360.


Again the total gross Wii usage should be higher than the PS3 or 360 individually.  How many millions extra consoles does it have?  The chart on page 6 has absolutely nothing to do with what I am talking about.  The 'Active User %'  the Wii is in third place of three next gen systems.  Again as it pertains to the topic and this discussion. 


It's very clearly stated :


"The active user percent tells us how often a person used their console out of the total amount of
time the console could have been used during the measurement period. The PlayStation 3 and
Xbox 360 are the most used consoles with the highest active user percent. The Wii owner’s have
the fewest average usage days and the shortest daily average number of sessions.


This above statement is directly related to the closet comment made by Sony.  This correlates with the fact that the Wii gets brought out and played a lot when people are around maybe, but when push comes to shove it gets shoved aside for 360/PS3 or something else.   This also correlates with other people(Myself included) mentioning how they and their friends all own a Wii but don't really use it.


Or Wii owners have a more active and varied life instead of being slumpted in front of a TV all of the time?


Wierd, so they would buy a system that comes with a sports game that you can play on a TV, instead of playing the real sports, outside, getting exercise?? You make no sense.