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outlawauron said:
Zucas said:
outlawauron said:
Hyruken said:
You have to laugh at the people trying to count a films sales as games sales.
Its a demo for crying out loud. Whats next we start to include how many times every demo was downloaded on PSN or XBLA etc?
If the film sold over 100k on its 1st day but only helped the PS3 to sell an additional 10k-20k in the whole week suggests to me that maybe not as many people bought the film because it had the demo, maybe the bought it because they have a Blu-Ray player and enjoy the film?

But that film sold nearly 400k and boosted PS3 by over 40k!

And yea how much did Dark Knight on blu-ray sell in its first week and how many blu-ray players did it sell.  That might be on a WW basis, but it makes this look quite miniscule. 

But on the larger side this was a very good boost PS3 but will more than likely be short lived.  Although Golden Week will help to offset some o the losses for a short time.  But once again this goes back to the relatively low amount of stability in Japan right now.  And we have to start thinking of things that could give one of the consoles stability.  MHG on Wii will release next week and give it a nice little jolt and then we'll have Golden weeks.  But will any of them get over the instability and start consistently outselling the competitor? 

Something needs to release and give one of those consoles that edge.  Or a price cut.  Who knows.  But for right now Japan is NOT a battleground.  Japan is an instable amount of electric jolts that amount to NOTHING.  Battlegrounds are close competitions on an a basis entirely not some weekly jolts.  If PS3 can assert itself as the stable console in the market and move on it's way to catching up to the Wii then we have a battleground.  Until then it's constant instability because of no clear top brand.  People may find it interesting, maybe even biasedly amusing, that Wii is on some of it's worst trends to date right now, but if PS3 (or 360) can't do anything about it... then who cares. 

As I've said before, one of those games that can affect that stability right now guys is Wii Sports Resort.  If there is anything releasing within the next few months that could do that... it's WSR.  I'm not saying it will, but if I were Sony and in this position where I have a true chance to turn something around, I'd make sure I do it before the sequel to the biggest cultural hit in gaming since Super Mario Bros. releases. 

So we can look at the weekly numbers in Japan and think we have an idea of how it's going to go but right now all you are seeing is weeks of instability due to the fall of the top brand.  It doesn't matter until someone reasserts itself as the top brand again.  It's not like Japan's hardware sales are close on any standard (Wii- 8 million, PS3- 3 million, 360- 1 million).  It's all about the realignment of brands.  PS3 can do it but it has to do better than what it has been doing if it wants to catch Nintendo and the Wii while its down.

But, Japan is battleground right now. Consoles are experiencing healthy compeitition. Right now.

The PS3 is about to pass the Wii's Year to Date sales. That's interesting and something that'll excite the usually stale Japanese market.

This is not a battleground.  If this is a battleground then the times in Europe before MS dropped the 360's price must have been an outright Civil War.  This is three consoles under performing with no clear sight of one regaining a dominant brand posisition.  Wii is the only one with some sort of stability but seems unstable compared to a year ago.  While PS3 and 360 heavily rely on a single game release or price drop or in this case a movie with a demo. 

Yet all it amounts to is NOTHING.  Just as Stickball said, fanboys acting as if 2-3k differences in sales a week matter when Wii has a 5 million and 7 million lead respectively with no clear stable brand leader coming out.  Sure it's great for people to compare the numbers on a weekly basis and think ah this is a close fight... BUT IT ISNT.  There's ground being gained.  Really it's like three sides battling and for the longest time one side (wii side) had constant bombardments of attacks and offensives.  Now it simply doesn't do them as often while the other two sides continue sit idly.  That's what Japan is right now for the consoles.  It's a dead zone with no one clearly wanting to move forward and attack.  Sure Wii has fallen off but not anyone else had stood up and stated I'm going to try and compete.  Really it's just Wii brought down to the other's level.

now if any you think that's a battleground then something is wrong.  Everything else is just media and fanboy explosion of weekly sales that mean nothing when it's like this. 


I'm not saying it's not fun to see who "wins" every week but when you look at it... is anyone really winning?  Or better put... gaining?