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I'd seen somebody visit at school before, but I thought the web site was named after Paris Hilton.  I didn't know it was somebody's actual name.

starcraft said:

Ultimately, as I am not arguing that we restrict any gay rights, all you're saying is that we should allow gays to marry because some will be offended if we do not.

In that context, there will be offense on at least one side.  So it is best to offend only a few instead of many, not to mention that billions of people are already married, and many would feel their committment is lessened.

While trying to minimize the amount of feelings we hurt is a nice idea, it's not a good basis for law.  I'm sure Loving v. Virginia hurt a ton of feelings, and so did Brown v. Board of Education and Lawrence v. Texas.  But those laws were about rights, not worrying about who they offend.

And I still don't understand the sanctity of marriage, or why anybody would feel their commitment is lessened.  I don't see how marriages affect each other at all.  My marriage is between me and my wife, and I don't think Massachussetts or Spain or South Africa is making our marriage any less important to us.



All these people just got married at once, and they don't even know each other.

They think mass weddings get them closer to God.

But hey, they think this is God:

I love Sun Myung Moon.  He's so damn nutty.  He called all homosexuals "dung-eating dogs" and said homosexuality is is a madness of the lowest form of the human race.  And then he goes and married 30,000 people to each other at once, like he's taunting them or something.  He also said Jews deserved the Holocaust.

Sorry for going off-topic, but I think Moon needs to be mentioned in any discussion of marriage.