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Do you have any data to back your claim up, Vlad?

In 1925, which was pre-WW2, the United States economy was 4.15x the size of the United Kingdom. Today, the United States is at 6.40x the size of the United Kingdom.

So the size of the American economy, pre-WW2 has INCREASED versus the UK. If you can pull some European stats together, I'd like to see it, but until you can provide proof, I'd like to see it.

In 1900, the United States had the 3rd highest GDP per person at $4,096. France was at $2,849 and Germany was at $3,134. The only higher nations were New Zealand and Australia.

I'd really like some data that shows how the European economy was vastly superior within the past ~100 years. I understand 2 world wars decimated European economies, but America had a civil war in 1860, but that didn't prevent us from having the 3rd highest GDP in a mere 35 years after the war. We're 60 years removed from WW2, so that's really not much different than the 1900 comparison of the US having a great GDP back then, as it does today.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.